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    Bay Park Towers

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    Welcome to
    Bay Park Towers

    and welcome to our brand new website!

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    Welcome to
    Bay Park Towers

    and welcome to our brand new website!

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Account Balance and payments
Concrete Restoration Project
Q&A – Offers from Investors
BOD Agendas and Minutes

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Activities Office Events

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Documents and Forms

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Notice and Announcements

Visitor Registration

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Community Calendar

Community Calendar

Emergency Preparedness

Keep updated with weather advisories & add your emergency contacts.

Resident Directory

Make sure you review the rules and regulations for you and your guests at Bay Park Towers.

Management Contacts

Should you have any questions or concerns, we are here to help!

Pay Online

View your account balance and make online payments

Residents may have one(1) domestic pet, such as a cat, a dog or a bird in their Unit, providing the pet weighs less than twenty (20) pounds, and that Rules of the Association are followed For the complete rules and regulations of the PETS click HERE.
The conditions for any sale/purchase, lease and rental if any Unit shall be in accordance with the declaration of Condominium and By-Laws of Bay Park Towers Condominium Association, as the same may be amended from time to time.For the complete document click HERE.
Hurrican season runs in South Florida from the beginning of June through the beginning of November. Please download and keep our Hurricane Preparedness Plan handy in case of emergency. Click HERE to see the information.
The Association maintenance fees are due and payable on the first day of each month. A late fee of $25.00 shall be charged when payments have not been received by the tenth day of the month; interest at 10% per annum will be charged when payments have not been received by the first day of the month following. Click here for more information about fees and charges.
The Association Office must be notified of any move, in or out, three (3) days in advance of any move. Notification of a move must contain information as to date, time and name of the moving company. The Association reserves the right to deny entry into the property to any mover who has not been previously identified by the resident For a document complete click HERE.
The recreation facilities, incluiding, without, limitation, the pool and patio, saunas, tennis court, recreation room and gym are for the exclusive use of Residents and their guests. Persons using the facilities do so at their own risk and liability. The Association reserved the right to request verification of residency from anyone using the facilities. Anyone, who habitually or regulary uses the facilities as a guest, will be denied the use thereof if not accompanied by a Resident at all times. Click here to go to that section and view the minutes.